hello Everyone in my asps family

Pain is under control an will be starting PT on right arm in about a week. Then in I thing four weeks when the second cast is removed PT for left ran will begin
Yes, he coasted the left arm a second time
I had though the two or three weeks with the other cast was eet going to be it but nope lol
So now three more weeks I think December 16th it comes off
Spirits have been very up an down
An mostly down
It's very frustrating to not be able to use your arms

I'm not a lay around in bed person an I am at my wits end with television an can't watch re runs over an over of PBS lol
So I decided in bed I can work on penmanship yes script hand righting
Has anyone tried to wright a letter lastly ?
Try it lol I did an it looked like a seven year olds work
I guess I will start that but what I would really like is to be outside

This comply is the hardest thing I have ever went thru an I will land on my feet but I want to be better now

I know I am blessed an will try an be thankful for that an push forward
Lots of love an hugs to you all!
Have beautiful an loving holiday season,