Thanks for the support Amanda! I'm getting better everyday.. ^^Amanda wrote:Hello Reza
WOW YAY!!! I am so glad you posted and let everyone know and thank you i am smiling huge right now!
When i see posts like this i am happy and it also helps others so much!
I'm still on 25 mg now. So far my body responds well. The side effect is bearable and life is much enjoyable. About the fracture on both of my humerus, I still unable to use both of my arms but I believe it heals even though by bit, as now I experience less pain and able to sleep longer than usual. I will consult my doctor about radiation while on Sutent. Btw, if I'm taking radiation, do you suggest me taking 37.5 mg instead of 25 mg?Olga wrote:It is really good to hear that you are doing better now. I have seen that being on the sutent or other tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) can improve the result of the radiation treatment if given in the same time so may be you ask your doctor re. irradiation of the primary tumor in the leg while on sutent? Was it really hard for you to be on the full dose? Did the fractures heal, can you use you arms now?
Thank for your support Ivan!Ivan wrote:Rheza, we are all very happy for you
Beware that drugs like sutent usually don't work indefinitely. So, while things have shrunk, it's a very good time to try and get them resected for good! I'm talking about your shoulders and your leg. Have you consulted with the doctors to see if they can get clear margins without damaging your body too much now?

One more thing to ask, I need forum's suggestion..
Recently, I consulted with a doctor representative from Guang Zhou Modern Hospital (China) - the doctor I consulted with seems confidence that if I go to the hospital to take the treatment, I will show good result. He himself doesn't know about ASPS, but there's chinese translation for ASPS so I assume the sarcoma specialist there in Guang Zhou should know about ASPS.
The technology there is of course more advance than here in Indonesia, but I'm still unsure.
The technology they might be using are :
- Planting particle that radiates gamma ray
- Direct chemotherapy to the tumor through catheter
- Dendritic Cell Vaccine
- Cryosurgery
If somehow my family can support me to go there, should I go?
Sorry for asking so many questions..