This Weekend Team ASPS Participated for the 12th Time in the PMC Bike Ride and Continues to Raise Funds to Sponsor Research on ASPS at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston


Dear ASPS community, this weekend (August 1-2) Team ASPS participated for the 12th time in the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge (PMC).This is a bikea
thon that crosses Massachusetts to raise money for cancer research and clinical trials at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. Donations for Team ASPS are restricted for research on ASPS only.

I would like to remind that in 2005, following Team ASPS second ride we were able to initiate the GVAX cancer vaccine trial, which was developed by Dr. Glenn Dranoff. This was the first clinical trial ever that was dedicated for this very rare cancer.

We continue the research with Dr. George Demetri, Dr. Andrew Wagner, Dr. Massimo Loda and Dr. Ewa Sicinska at the Dana Farber. Those donations are helping us to learn more about ASPS and also
to inspire others in other research institutes to study ASPS. Our goal is to find the cure for our loved ones.

Please help us to find a cure for ASPS and please donate!
We are using our restricted account of the PMC for the collection of donation.

To donate online through the PMC website:

Please click on the following link:
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Your donation is a fully tax refundable. The PMC tax ID is 04-2746912

Please let me know if you have any question. I thank you for your support.

Best Wishes, Yossi

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Yosef Landesman, Ph.D.
President & Cancer Research Director
Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International (iCureASPS)

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