Team ASPS will bike the 2008 PMC: Please be generous and help us raise funds to find a cure for ASPS

Dear ASPS patients, family members and friends!

Alveolar soft Part Sarcoma is a very rare cancer that attacks teenagers and young people. Unfortunately it does not respond to conventional therapies, such as radiation and chemotherapy. In 2004, the ASPS community established a team of bike riders as a tool to raise money for research on ASPS. Thanks to “Team ASPS” and to you, our generous donors, we were able to raise funds to promote the initiation of the first clinical trial for ASPS at the Dana-Farber in Boston, which tested the GVAX Cancer Vaccine. Following this trial, the ARQ 197 clinical trial is now recruiting patients. We should continue our efforts until a cure for ASPS is found.

We are now opening our summer fundraiser to collect funds for research on Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma at the Dana-Farber cancer Institute and ask you to be generous and sponsor the 2008 PMC bike ride of Team ASPS.

This year the donations for Team ASPS will sponsor the collaborative research of Dr. David Fisher (Mass General Hospital Harvard Medical School), and Dr. Andrew Wagner and Dr. Massimo Loda (Dana Farber Cancer Institute) on Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma.

There are two convenient ways to donate:

1. On-line donations through the website. After you enter the PMC site, click on the “e-gifts” link on the upper left side of the page. You will be directed to a web page, which its title will say: “Click the type of donation you wish to make”. Then choose: “Sponsor one Rider with one donation”, then you can locate my fundraising account by typing my name (Yosef Landesman), or by typing my eGift ID number: YL0002. Fill in the amount of your donation, then your personal and credit card information, and submit your donation.

2. Alternatively you can write a check payable to “PMC-Team ASPS YL0002”. Mail your donations to:
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Yosef Landesman
260 Tappan St.
Brookline, MA 02445

The PMC tax ID number is 04-2746912. To read the non-profit 501c3 letter of the PMC please click this link.

Thank you very much for your support!


Yosef Landesman, Ph.D.
President & Cancer Research Director
Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International (iCureASPS)

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