Team ASPS dedicated a 50-mile bike ride to the Team Sarcoma Initiative

Team iCureASPS dedicated a 50 mile bike ride to the 2008 Team Sarcoma Initiative. The ride was on the route between Wellesley and Wrentham, MA. It was the last training session for our riders who are preparing for the PMC bike ride that will take place during this coming weekend. The international sarcoma awareness week (July 12-20) is a project of the “Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative” which was founded by Bruce Shriver. During that week, over 6,000 people participated in over 70 sports events in 14 countries! The goal of the project is to increase awareness and collect the very needed funds for research and clinical trials for sarcoma. To read more about the Team sarcoma Initiative please click this link.


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