Team ASPS biked the 2007 PMC and raised funds to find a cure for ASPS

In the first week of August 2007, Team ASPS participated in the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge (PMC) bike ride for the fourth time. This bike-a-thon crosses Massachusetts to raise money for cancer research and treatment at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston. Some of our riders rode 90 miles and others rode 150 miles. The money that our team raised is specifically dedicated to finding a cure for ASPS. The total sum collected by our team this year is $34,649! These donations will support ASPS research in three laboratories at the DFCI. To read more about this research at DFCI, click here.

One week prior to the PMC bike ride, iCureASPS hosted a private reception to honor Team ASPS riders and researchers from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

iCureASPS would like to thank the riders of Team ASPS 2007: David Eisenberg (captain of Team ASPS), Adam Eisenberg, Benji Eisenberg, Sara Eisenberg, Eugenie Gore, Ynbal Landesman, Hila Landesman, Yosef Landesman, Tim Schuettge and Katya Tsaioun. We thank our donors, good friends, family members and the ASPS community for supporting iCureASPS efforts to find a cure.

Photos below are courtesy of David Eisenberg and are copyright protected by Flickr.

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Click here to see more photos from the event!


Yosef Landesman, Ph.D.
President & Cancer Research Director
Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International (iCureASPS)

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