Support the annual fundraiser of Team ASPS riding for the 9th year the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge (PMC)

Dear Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma Community

This weekend, August 4-5th 2012, Team ASPS will ride for the 9th time the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge (PMC).

The PMC is a bike-a-thon that crosses Massachusetts to raise money for cancer research and clinical trials at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. As in previous years, I am asking you to sponsor our 90-150 miles bike ride from Wellesley to Bourne. Your donation will specifically support preclinical testing of novel drugs for the cure of ASPS. The study is conducted by Dr. George Demetri, Dr. Andrew Wagner, Dr. Massimo Loda and Dr. Ewa Sicinska.

Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma (ASPS) is a rare cancer that has no cure.

For the last 9 years iCureASPS organization is working relentlessly to find a cure for ASPS. We aim to bring together ASPS patients, families and friends from all over the world in a shared interest to find a cure.  We support basic research aimed at understanding the underlying biology of this disease as well as projects that promote new and relevant therapeutic options. We support these through funding and by coordinating the successful transport of ASPS tumors for research.  Our website serves as a platform that provides updated information about the research and therapies for ASPS patients. An interactive “Forum” in the website enables ASPS patients to share experiences and receive information and group support from the ASPS community. It is through this knowledge that patients all over the world can make better decisions regarding their ASPS treatments.

Our organization works closely with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute as well as with other institutions. With the help of friends and family who rode with me in our PMC “Team ASPS”, in the past 8 years, we raised and transferred over $300,000 exclusively for ASPS research programs. Thanks to those efforts, the first “Cancer Vaccine” Clinical Trial (GVAX) to treat ASPS was opened in January 2005. This clinical trial was followed by the ARQ197 clinical trial and now by the Cediranib clinical trial. 

There are two convenient ways to donate:

1.  Online donations through the PMC website: Please click on the following link: Yosef Landesman ride page on the PMC website: ( ). Then, once you are on my personal page, click on “DONATE TO MY RIDE”.

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2.   You can write a check payable to “PMC-Team ASPS YL0002”.  Mail the check to:

Yosef Landesman

260 Tappan St.

Brookline, MA 02445

Your donation is a fully tax refundable. The PMC tax ID is 04-2746912

I thank you for your support.

Best Wishes,

Yosef Landesman

Yosef Landesman, Ph.D.
President & Cancer Research Director
Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International (iCureASPS)

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