Support Team ASPS in the 2009 Pan-Massachusetts Challenge (PMC)

This weekend, Team ASPS rode the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge (PMC) for the 6th time. This bike-a-thon crosses Massachusetts to raise money for cancer research and clinical trials at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. Donations raised by Team ASPS are restricted for research and clinical trials that aim to find cure for Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma. This year’s donations will support ASPS research in the laboratories of Dr. Glenn Dranoff and Dr. Massimo Loda.

In the past six years, we have worked hand in hand with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The results of that work are the first “Cancer Vaccine” Clinical Trial to treat ASPS.  The trial opened in November 2005 and following that the ARQ197 clinical trial opened as well.

I am asking you to help and sponsor Team ASPS and directly support the current efforts to find a cure for Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma.

We welcome online donations through the website:  Click on the “e-gifts” link on the upper left side of the website page. Then use the code YL0002 as the eGift ID number.
We thank you for your support.
Together we will find the cure!

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Yosef Landesman


Yosef Landesman, Ph.D.
President & Cancer Research Director
Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International (iCureASPS)


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