Why do cancers have high aerobic glycolysis?

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Why do cancers have high aerobic glycolysis?

Post by D.ap »

If carcinogenesis occurs by somatic evolution, then common components of the cancer phenotype result from active selection and must, therefore, confer a significant growth advantage. A near-universal property of primary and metastatic cancers is upregulation of glycolysis, resulting in increased glucose consumption, which can be observed with clinical tumour imaging. We propose that persistent metabolism of glucose to lactate even in aerobic conditions is an adaptation to intermittent hypoxia in pre-malignant lesions. However, upregulation of glycolysis leads to microenvironmental acidosis requiring evolution to phenotypes resistant to acid-induced cell toxicity. Subsequent cell populations with upregulated glycolysis and acid resistance have a powerful growth advantage, which promotes unconstrained proliferation and invasion.

Last edited by D.ap on Sun Oct 25, 2015 6:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Microenvironmental acidosis

Post by D.ap »

Hypoxia and adaptive landscapes in the evolution of carcinogenesis.
Review article
Gillies RJ, et al. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2007.
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Conceptual models of epithelial carcinogenesis typically depict a sequence of heritable changes that give rise to a population of cells possessing the hallmarks of invasive cancer. We propose the evolutionary dynamics that give rise to the phenotypic properties of malignant cells must be understood within the context of specific selection forces generated by the microenvironment. This can be accomplished by using an "inverse problem" approach in which we use observed typical phenotypic traits of primary and metastatic cancers to infer the evolutionary dynamics. This has led to the hypothesis that heritable changes in genes controlling cellular proliferation, apoptosis, and senescence, while necessary, are not usually sufficient to produce an invasive cancer. In addition to these evolutionary steps, we propose that the common observation of aerobic glycolysis in human cancers indicates, via the inverse problem analysis, that adaptation to hypoxia and acidosis must be a major component of the carcinogenic sequence. The details of the hypothesis are based on recognition that premalignant populations evolve within ducts and remain separated from their blood supply by a basement membrane. As tumor cells proliferate into the lumen, diffusion-reaction kinetics enforced by this separation result in hypoxia and acidosis in regions of the tumor the most distant from the basement membrane. This produces new evolutionary selection forces that promote constitutive upregulation of glycolysis and resistance to acid-induced toxicity. We hypothesize that these phenotypic adaptations are critical late steps in carcinogenesis conferring proliferative advantages even in normoxic conditions by allowing the population to produce an acidic environment (through aerobic glycolysis) which is toxic to other local cell populations and promotes extracellular matrix degradation, increasing invasiveness.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/17 ... 61/related
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