Donate now and support the development of cure for ASPS

We are opening iCureASPS annual fundraiser with the traditional PMC bike ride. Our ASPS team rides yesterday and today for the 10th year at the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge (PMC). Ten years have passed since we founded our group and started to look for a cure for Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma (ASPS), a rare cancer that has no cure and affects mainly young people.

The PMC is a bike-a-thon that crosses Massachusetts to raise money for cancer research and clinical trials at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. Members in our team ride this year 50, 90 or 140 miles between Wellesley to Cape Cod. Team ASPS set-up a restricted fund within the PMC. This restricted fund is aimed to achieve breakthrough in research and cure for Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma.

Our goal this year is to initiate a new human clinical trial for ASPS patients in 2014 and WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT.

Team ASPS and iCureASPS already demonstrated that collaboration with the Dana Farber Cancer Institute is fruitful. Our collaboration resulted at the first ASPS clinical trial in 2005. This was the GVAX cancer vaccine clinical trial, which is under development by Dr. Glenn Dranoff.

Currently we are collaborating also with Dr. George Demetri, Dr. Andrew Wagner, Dr. Massimo Loda and Dr. Ewa Sicinska.

We hope to announce in 2014 the availability of a new clinical trial using a novel anti-cancer therapy.

There are two convenient ways to donate:
1. Online donations through the PMC website: Please click on the following link: Yosef Landesman ride page on the PMC website: ( Then, once you are on my personal page, click on “DONATE TO MY RIDE”.

2. You can write a check payable to “PMC-Team ASPS YL0002”. Mail the check to:
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Your donation is a fully tax refundable. The PMC tax ID is 04-2746912
From the bottom of my heart I thank you for your support.

Best Wishes,
Yosef Landesman

Yosef Landesman, Ph.D.
President & Cancer Research Director
Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International (iCureASPS)

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