smallest tumor burdens=better efficacy of immunotherapy

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smallest tumor burdens=better efficacy of immunotherapy

Post by Olga »

We were talking about a long time now but now it is official: The efficacy of immunotherapy in experimental models is greatest with the smallest tumor burdens.
Immunotherapy for Resected Pulmonary Metastases.
Bonni Hess
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Re: smallest tumor burdens=better efficacy of immunotherapy

Post by Bonni Hess »

Dear Olga,
Thank you for sharing this very important article and confirmation of my and your long held opinions regarding the critical importance of reducing tumor burden to enable systemic treatments to be more effective in shrinking/destroying tumors and stabilizing disease progression. It has always seemed so obvious to me that having a large tumor burden such as that created by the presence of a primary tumor makes it more difficult/impossible for a systemic treatment to be as effective. Additionally, because the ASPS primary tumor is typically not encapsulated unlike ASPS mets, the primary can continue to disseminate tumor cells into the bloodstream increasing the difficulty of the systemic treatment to successfully fight the disease. Hopefully, the patients on this Board and naiive/nonchalant doctors will now recognize the critical importance of reduction of tumor burden in fighting this very challenging disease.
With deepest gratitude for your dedicated sharing, and with special caring thoughts and continued Hope,
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