iCureASPS supports ASPS Research in the laboratory of Dr. Dina Lev at MD Anderson Cancer Center

iCureASPS is looking for active members of the ASPS community to help maintaining viable collaborations with scientists who perform ASPS research in medical centers. If you wish to be part of an active search for Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma Cure, please contact us!

Such a new collaboration was recently established with Dr. Dina Lev at the Department of Cancer Biology at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. The contact person from iCureASPS for this collaboration is Dr. Nancy Landfish, who serves as the iCureASPS Medical Affairs Director.

Recently, a member in the iCureASPS community donated the first $5,000 to support Dr. Dina Lev’s research, who recently published a scientific paper: “Angiogenesis-promoting gene patterns in Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma”. Dr. Dina Lev conducts research on the highly vascular (angiogenic) nature of ASPS because she believes that this is an important factor driving ASPS metastasis. Her laboratory evaluates gene expression of ASPS frozen samples to identify candidate genes, possibly contributing to ASPS angiogenesis. Next, she would like to study the importance of these genes and gene products in ASPS metastasis, and their possible regulation by the ASPL-TFE3 fusion gene. Lev’s studies may potentially result in better understanding of ASPS progression, and would lead to identification of targets for the development of novel therapeutics.

The specific aims of Dr. Dina Lev are to:

  1. Create an annotated paraffin and frozen tissue bank for ASPS.
  2. Collaborate with other scientists with an interest in ASPS research, with the aim of expanding the available bioresources.
  3. Study the expression and function of potential angiogenic factors in ASPS.
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  5. Investigate the effect of the ASPL-TFE3 fusion gene on the expression of the studied angiogenic factors.

If you are interested in supporting Dr. Lev’s research, please write to Dr. Nancy Landfish at


Yosef Landesman, Ph.D.
President & Cancer Research Director
Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International (iCureASPS)

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