It's the home stretch for us now. We are at Day 12 after surgery and Professor Rolle has had all of Kevin's tubes/lines removed, including the epidural. He is on purely oral painkillers now. Yesterday we walked to Kaufland and back, and today one of the ICU nurses Marcus took us to Moritzburg Palace. We took it slow, but Kevin felt fine the whole way and we walked through the whole hunting lodge and grounds just fine. Marcus said it was ok for him to have beer, so we had some good German beer while sitting next to the lake around Moritzburg Palace. As for pain, it twinged a bit last night, but Kevin seems to be doing fine today.
Jussi (the other ASPS patient) left on Monday, he and Kevin swapped pictures they drew for each other. Jussi is a big fan of the games Kevin's company makes, so Kevin drew him a pic of one of the characters attacking ASPS tumors. Kill those tumors!
It's Tuesday here, Prof. Rolle thinks we will be out of the hospital by this weekend. We are planning to head back to Dresden and slowly recuperate some more before flying back next Thursday. Made plans to meet Marcus and his girlfriend in the modern section of Dresden and go to a karaoke bar. We've been annoying the nurses by singing along to Ella Fitzgerald in our hospital room. I think getting out of the hospital and hanging out with Marcus (who I think is around our age) did wonders for Kevin, plus doing some normal things like walking around, seeing cool stuff, and having a beer by the lake really helped improve Kevin's mental outlook. Neither of us have ever been cooped up at a hospital this long, but now that we've done it, it should be that much easier next time!
Kevin hasn't jumped on the bikes yet, since they just removed the epidural yesterday but I'm guessing this will happen soon. They skipped some of the rehab they told us Kevin was going to do, like the one where you sit at a machine and it pumps air into the lungs. I think Prof. Rolle is worried it will cause tears or aggravate Kevin's lung scars, since they removed so many mets, but they said his CT scans look good, the lung is doing well though the said it will take weeks to fully recover.
Looking forward to going home, soon! SOON! I miss my dog.