It's great news that Dr. Rolle accepted you for treatment. Say "Hi" to him from me when you get there

I had 4 thoracotomies in Coswig (2005 x 2, 2008, 2009) with 200+ mets removed which is the world record, I believe. Now my lungs look quite clean on CT scans. Looking at old scans scares me, actually, because there are so many nodules visible. Now there are less than five left, some of which are probably scar tissue. During the last 3 years, I've had a few cryoablations done on some remaining nodules as part of what I hope will be the final cleanup.
A thoracotomy is a very painful procedure, with the worst being the first few days until they remove the chest tubes. The good thing is, there is a daily improvement and it gets better rather quickly. Once the tubes are out, you will feel relatively well.
As far as sport goes I can give you some good advice as I'm a competitive athlete. You can start gentle cardio (walking) almost immediately. Then I would progress to biking (they will let you ride a stationary bike at the clinic there for ~20 minutes after about a week), and then finally to jogging no earlier than 1 month after the surgery. Everything you do should be largely pain-free. You can start going to the gym 2-3 week after already and doing basic range of motion exercises and gentle stretching. After 3 weeks you can probably start lifting light weights (50% of max) and progress up slowly. Do not do reps close to max which require you to hold your breath forcibly. Again, let pain be an indicator. Never exercise with advils.
As an added bonus, you can expect to lose 5-10 lb of (mostly) fat as you won't be eating much during the first few days. If you have a very low fat percentage, it might be a good idea to gain a few pounds so that your body doesn't start cannibalizing muscle, but most people don't.
Lift your arm and rest it behind your head as you rest in bed. During the first couple of times I didn't do it, and it took longer to regain the normal range of motion. Take the compression stalkings off at times during the day so that your wife can massage your legs.