This is WONDERFUL!! news and I am SO VERY happy for Elisa and you, and so deeply grateful for your thoughtful sharing

I am so sorry that you are facing such a difficult decision regarding resection of the primary due to the difficulty of the surgery which could heartbreakingly negatively impact Elisa's quality of Life. This is certainly a very important consideration and one which I know needs to be weighed very carefully especially since Elisa has been able to attain disease stability on Cediranib despite still having her primary. Does Elisa experience any pain or debilitating impact on her physical movement as a result of the primary? I will be anxiously awaiting your update regarding the surgeon's recommendation following his meeting with the Tumor Board, and my most special thoughts and very best wishes will be with Elisa and you as you try to make the best decision on this difficult issue. Of course a huge concern and consideration will be the amount of pre-op and post-op time that Elisa would need to be off of the Cediranib to prevent dangerous hemorrhage from the surgery, since there is a known risk of rebound when Cediranib is discontinued. As you said so well, it is all "about balancing the probabilities" which is so difficult to do.
Sharing the special joy of Elisa's good scan results with deepest caring and continued Hope,