First of all hey everyone

My name is Anders Giebel, im 29 and live in Denmark with my beautifull girlfriend and our two wonderfull daughters.
I work as a multi media designer. In my spare time i run when i can, and in the evenings when the kids are sleeping, i often find myself playing MMOPG games on my computer. I love lord of the rings Online

Guess im a bit of a nerd... i love the Lord of the Rings and have read all the books there are about it.
I was diagnosed with ASPS in early 2007, after a series of false diagnoses. At first i noticed a lumb in my left abb muscle and visited my doctor. he said it was probably a lipoma and actually tried to remove it himself... well he romved something alright, but it was fat and healthy tissue. He then send in the tissue, and i was told eveything was ok... no cancer.
I wasnt pleased with his work, and didnt rally feel anything was removed, so i went to the doktor again, and was then set up for removal at the hospital some weeks later. The doktor who was supposed to remove it, didnt take long to find out something was really wrong here. He said it might be hernia, so i should go and get a CT scan. The CT scan showed no hernia but a lumb. Next i got my MRI scan, and the pictures where send to a danish sarcoma treatmen center. They had a look at it, and substracted a sample... Well it turned out as ASPS, an, as i where told, very rare type of sacoma cancer. Not the best new as you all can relate to. The obnly positive thing i remember about it, was when the doktor said it was slow growing... i figured slow cancer is better than fast.
My tumor was 5-6CM and was removed in april 2007 with really good results. i was back at work within a month and able to do everything besides doing situps.
A year passed with regular lung scans. They where keeping an eye on some spot (without telling me for a year), and when they grew 1-2mm, they wanted to get a sample. This ofc turned out to be mets... 4 in the left lung and 1 in the right with sizes between 5 and 16mm. After allmost a year, where i was basicly told i was ok (not even a PET scan found the mets), this was a bit of a blow.
I then startet chemo therapy in august 2008 and had 8 treatments (sorry cant remember name of the chemo, but gonna look it up). I got the max dose for that kind og chemo. They said it can damage the heart, so i would never be able to get that type of chemo again, witch bugged me outbecaus it was actually working. Well the chemo seemed to work, so the mets all startet to shrink and are now stable since my last dose on dec 27. Mets are now between 3 and 9mm. They actually found a big spot on my liver when i was done with chemo, but that turned out to be false alarm after some CT and ultrasound scans.
The other day my doktor from the sarcoma center called me, and said he had send my scans to doktor Rolle in germany, and that Rolle had accepted me as his patient. He plans to first take care of my right lung with the one met, and then some weeks later, the other lung. Right now im just waiting for the danish health assosiation to give me green light. Hopefully ill get to Dresden withing a month or two.
I probably did a bunch og typos... sorry for that

EDIT: The Chemo i was given is called Doxorubicin