Kate from Australia - Dx 2006

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Kate from Australia - Dx 2006

Post by Kate »

Hi everybody,
I'm Kate from Australia! I'm havn't written on here for a while but i just thought i'd update you on my situation =) I have just finished a 7week course of radiotherapy to the left side of my pelvis (where my ASPS was resected in June). I'm feeling pretty good and am very glad to be finished finally!! So now to my knowledge i am cancer free and just have to have regular scans incase there are any changes. I am just wondering if anyone has heard of or tried these special sugars called glyconutrients. And if they are actually worth taking? I have just started taking them, they are quite expensive but are supposed to get your immune sytem to its absolute peak. Apparently they are the nutrients that plants should contain but no longer do due to chemicals and picking fruit before its ripe etc. Your immune cells need them for communication and to recognise foreign cells i.e cancer. Its suppose to make your immune system strong enough to recognise, fight and destroy cancer cells and other diseases. I've heard many many stories of how they have worked wonders, including a friend of a friend who has mesothelioma (asbestos cancer)- cancer in the lining of the lungs. Apparently is one of the worst cancers possible to have (unreseactable because of location) and on average you have 157 days to live from diognosis (100% death rate). Anyway she started taking glyconutrients straight after diognosis, along with a very strict diet. A scan months later showed that it appeared to be shrinking! She was working with the world specialist for this cancer and he has devised a blood test for this cancer. A normal persons is approx 2 and hers was at 12.5 at diognosis. After seeing the scan results he retested her and her level is down to 4. He said he has never EVER seen the level go down, only up! She is now at 2 yrs since diagnosis and is still going strong. Dr Carson a world famous American neurosurgeon who separated the siamese twins joined at the head also supports glyconutrients after seeing amazing results when he took them, after developing aggresive prostate cancer. I've also heard many other very successful stories about people with other dieases and conditions who have taken this. So if anyone has heard about them please let me know. Thanks.
Keep smiling,
Kate Jacob :)
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just wated to say Hi

Post by Olga »

Kate, it is good to hear that you are doing well and radiation treatment is done. I was looking into this glyconutrients and have not found any evidence that they are working - not a single study is done on a proper level which could not be explaned by the lack of money as the market for this product is huge. So we are not using them.
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Post by argonaut »

Kate check out http://www.quackwatch.org. There might be an information about these products - some of these products does not treat cancer or any other disease, and often they do not even claim that they do - people leap to that suggestions on their own.They often state that "claims which state, suggest or imply the company products cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease are against their policies".

Many cancer's regress on their own. Why is not well known. Brittany had her ASPS go away, then comeback. Only known case of ASPS regressing on its own that I know of.
As far as Dr. Carson, he had prostate cancer then started taking this medicine. It supposedly helped his urinary problems. I assume something else cured the cancer. Maybe curing the cancer is what helped his urinary problems not the supplement. This reminds me of the con artists in Huckleberry Finn. Get half the town to pay to go to a terrible play and they will tell the other half it was good show because they didn't want to be the only ones swindled. Dr's are human too, I read a story about a nurse who went to a "natural" healer for a treatable breast cancer. Even with her medical knowledge she bought the side show and died because of it.

The simple fact is that there are clear proven methods to test a products effectiveness for many diseases. Most of these companies have not reported any such studies. They make 400million a year, it is not like they can't afford it.

Also, were these people making these claims to you also the ones trying to sell you the expensive medicine?"
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