This will be my first post giving info and up dates on my treatment. I am going to start to use Amanda R because we have another Amanda on the boards

Almost four weeks ago I have the primary that was 6cm removed from my right calf. They took four margins around the tumor and they were all clear. I forced myself to start to walk six days ago even if the swelling was still present. I am waking now and also walking with in the morning barley a limp now. I rest my leg though when ever I feel pain.
I saw the chest surgon last week his name is Leland Foshag and he is in Sants monica California. For some reason the CT of my leg was sent to him and the report for my chest *sigh* so he has ordered the CT of the chest and brain and after looking at the report he said that for my smoking for so long and living in Los Angeles that this was not that out of the normal yet he wanted to see the CT and look at it and also at the rib that now kinda hurts. So I am waiting for him to receive this and then call me back. I asked him if he knew of the doctor that is in Germany and he said yes

I feel truly blessed!
I saw two oncologist on the same day and they were:
Dr. Behrooz Hakimian *He is also a hug hugger and is a cancer survivor* specialty is radiation oncology
Dr. Charles Forscher specialty is Sarcoma at Cedars Sinai hospital in Los Angeles. He said this was a stage 2 and that it was just a stage 2 by a very lil margin and told me he was thinking of using a drug that I cant remember the name of *An inhibitor* and not chemotherapy :/
I was going to do the CT of my right calf and then do the tattoos and then start the radiology the next week till I told him about my chest and he said he wanted to wait un till Dr. Charles Forscher saw me and also everyone talked this conversation would include how Dr. Foshag was feeling about my chest after he saw the CT.
So here I sit and wait till they all talk. Other then feeling a lil pain in my leg when I push myself to much physically I feel ok. I just want to start on every thing now and not wait I want to know if it is still in me and if what is in my lung and ribs are this evil invader.
Today I made an appointment to also see Dr. Rosen Premier Oncology in Santa Monica. I have seen all of you talk about him and I want to meet with him and see how he feels about treatments and my state of this condition.
I am trying to be proactive as I can and not get crazy and stress myself out. It has really only been six weeks since my diagnosis maybe I am pushing treatments and CT's and the hole thing to hard I don't know. I have days like then I was seeing the two oncologist that I just broke down in tears in the waiting room. I hate cancer

Anyhow, I am going to get another
CT from pelvis all the way up thru my brain again.
Bone scan
MRI of the brain with contrast *Even if I was told that it would have shown in the CT if the cancer was there* I don't care. Bonni who knows a lot more then I said to do this so I am

I have changed my diet to be even more healthy and organic then it already was, I am eating a lot of greens and fruit and will be seeing a doctor srecialising in this and will post his name and suggestions for a diet for this type of cancer after I see him. I was told that it couldnt hurt doing this by my doctors and taking suplements so there goes sugar and coffee out of my life.
If anyone has any imput on the situation please let me know it would be greatly apreciated

Sorry about the very long post!
Huge hugs to all!
Amanda R