new kids on the block

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new kids on the block

Post by Olga »

There is an interest in this new class of drugs. There are two of them that are currently approved for other indications and we hear that our patients are offered or considering these drugs off label - i.e. prescribed by their oncologists for their disease not based on an approved indications but on the assumption that they might be beneficial for the patients or because there are no other options on the table (be careful considering this proposal as both of these assumptions could be wrong and there might be overall loss of life time and quality of it instead of gain - in absence of clinical trial or even a single ASPS patients success stories there is no reason to assume the positive outcome to be more probable than otherwise, you might be missing other options).
If you start taking this drug or considering it, please discuss it here posting a new topic, and this is also the place to post any relevant articles that are worth reading.
We should also collect the info re. which ones are approved as of yet, what clinical trials are open using them and if any trial enrolls sarcoma patients.
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Re: new kids on the block

Post by D.ap »

Sequencing of BRAF inhibitors and ipilimumab in patients with metastatic melanoma: a possible algorithm for clinical use

BRAF mutations explained in molecular journal
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Grant Support

E.R Cantwell-Dorris is funded by the Health Research Board of Ireland's PhD Scholars Programme.

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
Received August 25, 2010.
Revision received November 15, 2010.
Accepted December 8, 2010.
©2011 American Association for Cancer Research.
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