Coping with Cancer and the Holidays

Though probably have no effect on disease progression, can have a significant effect on the overall well-being of the patient
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Coping with Cancer and the Holidays

Post by D.ap »

Hello all
No matter what part of the world we are in ,life goes on in spite of us having cancer. :roll:

I found this article that gives some excellent options and perspectives on how to cope with the "joy" that holidays can bring.

Stress can be turns into a good thing .. like getting your house clean :lol: ... e_holidays

I truly feel that this to be very important 8)
Keep the lines of communication open.
It’s important to let your family and friends know your needs and wishes for the holiday season. Otherwise, they may assume that because you have can­cer you won’t be up for celebrating the holidays. If this is not the case, tell them so. It’s also OK to set limits and to say no if you aren’t feeling up to doing some­thing. Figure out what works best for you and your family, and take on the holidays accordingly.

Coping with cancer during the holi­days is a challenge, but finding ways to navigate the season on your own terms can help you make the most of this spe­cial time of year. Your “holidays by design” may turn out to be the most memorable yet.

Happy holidays to all
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