Pulmonary toxicity of the gemcitabine

Side effects, drug interactions, possible use of complimentary and alternative therapy during the treatment, etc.
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Pulmonary toxicity of the gemcitabine

Post by Fictional »

I am also looking up possible side effects to Gemzar so we can be aware of this.

There is a pulmonary toxicity associated with Gemzar which might be like an allergic reaction. The incidence seems to be 5-10%. When detected early, Gemzar stopped, and high dose steroids begun, the process seems to be completely reversible. But importantly, the paper (link below) suggested that patients with prior lung resections / surgery may have less lung reserve and be more vulnerable. This allergic reaction usually occurs after weeks to months on the drug, but rarely it can occur after a single dose. Because this is a reversible process - this is pulmonary toxicity rather than pulmonary fibrosis. Drugs like Tarceva can cause irreversible pulmonary fibrosis.

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