ARQ-197 being discontinued due to failure to extend OS

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Bonni Hess
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ARQ-197 being discontinued due to failure to extend OS

Post by Bonni Hess »

Dear ASPS Community Friends,
The following information is very relevant regarding ARQ-197 which has been used to treat some ASPS patients on this Board (including Brittany and Mario who both unfortunately had failed responses to the drug after only two months on the Trial). Apparently development/production of the ARQ-197 may be discontinued due to a failure of the drug to extend overall survival (OS) in the patients who were taking it.

ARQ197 or Tivantinib hit a roadblock. It's phase III for non small cell lung cancer is being cancelled. It was combined with erlotinib, a drug that is not used in ASPS, but regardless, the company may decide to drop the drug. Although there were initially promising results with progression free survival, it unfortunately did not extend overall survival. The following link provides further information: ... -15248232/

Cindy, if your son is still taking ARQ-197 and having a successful response to it, have you been notified about this decision, and have you been told if your son will be able to remain on the drug and if the drug will continue to be available for your son as long as he is having sustained stability? This is a similar situation to that which we are facing with Astra Zeneca's decision to discontinue development and production of Cediranib.
With special caring thoughts and continued Hope,
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