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Treatment History: Radiation after Primary Tumor Resection

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:02 pm
by rdmcalli
My brother was 31 years old when diagnosed with alveolar soft part sarcoma. His cancer was first detected as a baseball-sized tumor in the back of his thigh, which was surgically removed fall of 2004 at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City, Utah by Dr. R. Lor Randall ( Immediately after surgery he received radiation treatment at that site, but it has now metastasized to the lungs. In June of 2006 he had tumors removed from one lung. In the near future the other lung will be operated on for the same purpose. Otherwise, he is in excellent health, but he has been given a life expectancy of 3-5 years.

I hope future treatment will include: participation in the tumor vaccination clinical study (GVAX), Avastin (or other anti-angiogenesis treatment), and Interferon alpha-2b.

info for you

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:54 pm
by argonaut
If you wish info on the vaccine trial several who participate hear have been through or are going through the trial in Boston.

Surgery is the only proven solution so far, even if it means multiple surgeries over many years.

How many total tumors does he have in the lungs? Did he have CT scans?

I would not put to much into a life expectancy w/this cancer. It is to rare and slow progressing for any reliable number to be given.