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Researchers find unusual role of lactate in ASPS metabolism

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:09 am
by JolieS
I wanted to share the below article describing researchers' new discovery of the role lactate plays in a
ASPS metabolism. I found it to be pretty interesting for a two reasons:
1. I've read a lot about anti-cancer dietary restrictions limiting glucose as it is believed that many cancer types are fueled by glucose. From this new study it appears that asps is actually fueled by lactate, not glucose.
2. Knowing that there are teams of researchers studying asps, such a rare cancer, brings me a lot of hope! If lactate truly is the fuel that asps tumors use to grow, then maybe they will be able to develop drugs to limit these rogue cells' lactate intake!? Amazing. ... rcoma.aspx

Anyway to know how promising this new finding may be?

Re: Researchers find unusual role of lactate in ASPS metabol

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:18 am
by JolieS
& here's the link to the researchers' article ... 0407-3.pdf

Re: Researchers find unusual role of lactate in ASPS metabol

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:57 pm
by D.ap
The lactate research is very intriguing to say the least.
Thank you for the information!

I found this to be the most interesting from the article
The two places where we found most of the mouse tumors—inside the brain and inside the orbit of the eye—had the highest concentrations of lactate," said Jones. "The tissues where ASPS occurs in humans, the skeletal muscles, also have high concentrations of lactate.
There has also been an utube posting from the University of Utah on this very early study of lactate that I have linked as sometimes audio info is a welcome change from all the reading we have to do :D

I also googled the question of
"How are glucose and lactate similar?"

Re: Researchers find unusual role of lactate in ASPS metabol

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:35 pm
by D.ap

The way I understand the concept is ASPS is created in a laboratory and observed as it progresses on it course in these mice.

So I hope someone can help me with this, the study says mice have shown through every day exercise and through lactate expressions in cells anylizations to of produced primary tumors in the cranial areas versus the joints areas /skeletal areas primary tumors of reported human studies to date.

Humans have shown ,as a rule, joints areas/skeletal areas as where primary tumors are found?
Thanks in advance.

Re: Researchers find unusual role of lactate in ASPS metabol

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:34 pm
by Kat
Interesting about the lactate, I wonder if there is a way to limit lactate levels? Diet?
If lactate is often a waste product, is it possible to target it without harming other cells.
I'll be on google scholar.....

Re: Researchers find unusual role of lactate in ASPS metabol

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:06 pm
by D.ap
Hi Damian

What I understand about lactate.

Diet contributes as well as exercise contributes

Extremisties can suffer cramps etc.
Scans plus blood work plus urine tests can tell levels.

Re: Researchers find unusual role of lactate in ASPS metabol

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 10:15 pm
by NJT
I have been in contact with Dr. Kevin Jones. He is moving towards trying lactate inhibitors with his mouse model of ASPS. Funding is important for these stages. We are working on raising funds towards this work via a funding proposal he submitted.The initial work that was published was made possible by a grant from Alex's Lemonade Stand, a foundation which supports innovative research into pediatric cancers. At some point it would be amazing if the ASPS community had more ways to take action and support an actual custom fit approach to tackling this disease. I plan to support Dr. Landesman's efforts that raise funds for the Dana Farber work as well.

Re: Researchers find unusual role of lactate in ASPS metabol

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 3:29 am
by Bonni Hess
It is encouraging to know that some ASPS specific research is being done to develop lactose inhibitors as a new way to try to treat this extremely rare, little known, and poorly researched and understood disease. ASPS research and funding for new and continued ASPS research is desperately needed. Ten years ago our family personally raised and donated over $85,000 towards the promising Peptide Immunotherapy Vaccine research which was being done at MSK. Unfortunately and inexplicably the research and the proposed Clinical Trial for the vaccine were abandoned by MSK in 2006, but it is important for ASPS Community members to know that through dedicated personal efforts such as those made by our family, the Landesman family, your family, and a few others, ASPS research funding can be raised to help find an effective treatment for this very challenging orphan disease which receives very little if any public and pharmaceutical company research funding. If everyone in the ASPS Community would work together to raise and donate research money we could greatly increase the opportunity for a desperately needed breakthrough in ASPS research and an effective ASPS treatment being found in time to save precious Lives. I strongly urge EVERYONE in our ASPS Community to become involved and to participate in ASPS research fundraising. If we don't do it, no one else will and no progress can/will be made in fighting this insidious disease. With caring thoughts and continued Hope, Bonni

Re: Researchers find unusual role of lactate in ASPS metabol

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 11:34 am
by D.ap
NJT wrote:I have been in contact with Dr. Kevin Jones. He is moving towards trying lactate inhibitors with his mouse model of ASPS. Funding is important for these stages. We are working on raising funds towards this work via a funding proposal he submitted.The initial work that was published was made possible by a grant from Alex's Lemonade Stand, a foundation which supports innovative research into pediatric cancers. At some point it would be amazing if the ASPS community had more ways to take action and support an actual custom fit approach to tackling this disease. I plan to support Dr. Landesman's efforts that raise funds for the Dana Farber work as well.
Hi Nathan

Thanks so much for the information.

The link

Has any thing been looked at with diet that you know of?

The ketonic diet creates a degree of lactate acid when it is followed with the low glycemic protocol. Creates that "low oxygen" metabolic expression if you will to create lactate being utilized by the body for energy because of the lack of sugars.
Maybe not a good idea for ASPS patients. :(

I hope this day finds the PD1 trial with Natalie going well.
Are best wishes to you all. Always
Debbie and the Josh P family. :)