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Nine months after trial CT scan results

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:56 pm
by argonaut
Size of mets when compared between May 2006 and 12 Feb 2007 = zero change. That is nine months of no growth. Although one scan in between said "possible 1mm growth". Which would mean this is possible 1mm shrinkage.

No new mets found. No mets dissappeared.

As a comparison, in the seven months prior to the clinical trial recorded growth was 3-6mm.

Anthony has had only had surgery and the vaccine trial.

So far so good. His health remains good overall.
Thank you for your prayers.

Congratulations on the good health

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:32 am
by Charity
How many lung tumours are there at this time if I may as.


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:20 pm
by argonaut
Too many too count is what the radiologists reports say. Which is too many for any type of surgery.
Data from previous vaccine trials have shown that necrosis can occur w/o shrinkage.

"Pathologic assessment revealed that the coordinated activation of T
lymphocytes and plasma cells resulted in destruction of at least 80% of
the tumor cells in the infiltrated metastases. In most cases, however,
these antitumor immune responses failed to induce clinical regressions;
rather, the necrotic tumor masses were largely replaced by inflammatory
cells, edema, and extensive fibrosis. These findings underscore the
limitations of relying exclusively on traditional measurements of tumor
shrinkage in assessing the antitumor activity of this vaccination
scheme. Additional studies are required to clarify the mechanisms
underlying the resistance of the residual tumor cells." ... 0d9dfcde1

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:31 pm
by Yosef Landesman
Dear Scott,

My Best Wishes for Anthony.
I am so glad to read your report.

13 months of no growth

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 5:31 pm
by argonaut
Anthony's latest CT scan shows no growth, or tumors that makes it 13mnths since his scan after the clinical trial.

His health is still good.

Does anyone know of known tumors remaining same size for this long of a period of time?


Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:21 pm
by Yosef Landesman
Hello Scott,

I am glad to read this report. Did any other treatment follow or will follow the GVAX clinical trial: injections of gamma interferon and GMCSF or treatment with anti-CTLA4 antibodies?


Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:27 pm
by argonaut
We will begin an anti-ctl4a blockade treatment in a couple days. So, far though the success of no growth, can only attributed to the GVAX trial and prayers.

The tumors may already be dead, but I feel this is relatively safe and will only build upon the results of the GVAX trial.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:09 am
by Bonni Hess
Dear Scott,
Thank you for your continued very thoughtful sharing and dedicated updates. We are SO happy and encouraged to hear that Anthony's scans continue to show apparent stabilization of his disease, and that he is feeling good. Our special thoughts and prayers continue to be with him and your family. We are anxious to hear about his experience with the anti-ctl4a blockade follow-up treatment to the GVAX Vaccine, and we will be looking forward to your next update.
With special caring thoughts and continued Hope,

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:23 am
by Elaine Anderson
Hi Scott,

Is the blockade treatment recommended by Dana Farber as the next phase of the GVAX vaccine treatment?


lung mets continued stability

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:52 pm
by Olga
Scott - reg. what you asked if anyone know about stability lasting more then 13 month - Ivan's mets are stable for the last 2 years (25 month) and as I remember cases like that when something was able to hold mets from the growth for a few years.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:08 am
by argonaut

I don't know if I would call it the next phase, since it could be considered a treatment by itself.

The anti-CTL4a should allow his immune system to over stimulate. Since, he has an antibody against ASPS from the GVAX clinical trial, this should allow that anti-body to reproduce un-checked.

I do know that similar treatments have been tried stand alone.

Hope this makes sense.


23 Months after Start of GVAX trial results

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:45 pm
by argonaut
It has been 23mnths since Anthony started the GVAX trial. Since, the end of the trial we have been under going an individual trial with anti-CLTL4 compound, which basically boost the immune response and should build upon the GVAX trial.
I am happy to report that Anthony has shown no progression on his CT exam yesterday and no new tumors!!! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:37 am
by Elaine Anderson

What great news! I truly appreciate your update.


Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:56 am
by Bonni Hess
Dear Scott,
It is with great happiness and strengthened Hope that we read your thoughtful update on the wonderful results of Anthony's most recent scans. Will he now continue to receive the anti-CTL4 compound? Did his scans include chest, abdominal, and pelvic CT's and a brain MRI, and when are his next scans scheduled? Please give Anthony a big hug from all of us Hesses, and know how deeply we share the special joy of the VERY GOOD NEWS! of his scan results. Take care, have a most beautiful, blessed, and joyous Holiday season, and keep in touch as you are able.
With special caring thoughts and continued Hope,

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:59 pm
by argonaut
He is continuing on the anti-ctl4a for now. The CT scans were chest/abdominal, and a brain MRI. No pelvic CT. We don't have any new scans scheduled, we will probably due another in 6mnths.