Progress Reports on Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma from the ASCO 2018 Meeting

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting took place this year in Chicago between June 1-5, 2018 Here are eight Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma (ASPS) related abstracts from the meeting. Of these, seven describing results of clinical trials with the following treatments: Phase III of Anlotinib Phase II trial of Axitinib plus pembrolizumab […]

New ASPS Trial: A​​PROMISS – A Phase III Trial of Anlotinib for Patients with Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma and Other Sarcomas

OPEN NOW: ​​​APROMISS – A Phase III Study of AL3818 (Anlotinib) Hydrochloride Monotherapy in Subjects With Metastatic or Advanced Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma, Leiomyosarcoma and Synovial Sarcoma​​ Sponsored by: ​Advenchen Laboratories, LLC. Identifier: ​NCT03016819 ​Anlotinib (AL3818), a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is an investigational drug being evaluated in the treatment of ​Alveolar ​Soft ​Part ​Sarcoma​ […]

The 13th PMC Bike Ride of “Team ASPS” and the Upcoming 14th Ride: Please Support Our Efforts to Find a Cure for ASPS

On August 6 – 7 2016, “Team ASPS” participated for the 13th time in the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge (PMC) bike ride. This bike-a-thon crosses Massachusetts to raise money for cancer research and treatment at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston. Our team rode 163 miles and raised $49,117 specifically dedicated for finding a cure for ASPS. Registration […]

Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma Day of Learning at the University of Miami – September 23

Dr. Breelyn A. Wilky, MD., Assistant Professor – Sarcoma Program, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center from the Division of Hematology/Oncology Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami has organized an ASPS open day of learning. The open day will take place on Friday, September 23, 2016 7:30am-5:00pm. The event is open to patients, families, […]

Anlotinib Shows Efficacy in ASPS Patients in Phase II Study in China

A presentation is the recent annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) conference in Chicago highlighted the new drug Anlotinib and its efficacy in treating Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma patients. Anlotinib is a new receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, currently in phase II clinical trials in China. Patients with different types of soft […]

Donation for ASPS Research in Honor of Kevin Kanai Griffith

iCureASPS thanks Liz Cooper, “Gamers For Good” and all the wonderful donors for the very generous donation of $15,000 aimed towards finding a cure for Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma (ASPS). This donation helps to extend the collaboration of iCureASPS with the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, which has been ongoing since 2004. Liz Cooper, […]

This Weekend Team ASPS Participated for the 12th Time in the PMC Bike Ride and Continues to Raise Funds to Sponsor Research on ASPS at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston

Dear ASPS community, this weekend (August 1-2) Team ASPS participated for the 12th time in the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge (PMC).This is a bikea thon that crosses Massachusetts to raise money for cancer research and clinical trials at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. Donations for Team ASPS are restricted for research on ASPS only. I would […]