
PMC Bike Ride

Dear Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma Patients, Family Members or Friends!

My name is Yosef Landesman Ph.D. and I am the President and Cancer Research Director of Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International (iCureASPS).

If a cure for ASPS is important for you, please become part of the community that works towards that goal!  You can do that by joining us and / or directly sponsoring clinical research in laboratories, hospitals and medical institutions that aim to find a cure for ASPS. We will be glad to give you more specific information about iCureASPS activities and on the various was in which YOU CAN HELP. Please contact me at:

Thanks to the efforts of the ASPS community, the first “Cancer Vaccine” Clinical Trial (GVAX) to treat ASPS was opened in January 2005. This clinical trial was followed by the ARQ197 clinical trial, by the Pazopanib and now by the Phase 2 Cediranib clinical trial, the Phase 3 Anlotinib and the Phase 2 Axitinib and Pembrolizumab clinical trials.

We are proud to support these efforts and would like to see them continue until a cure is found. Medical research is very costly and it is the responsibility of each one of us to raise the funds needed to support the efforts of finding a cure for ASPS. In 2004, we assembled a team of bicycle riders and joined the largest single contributor to Dana-Farber’s Jimmy Fund: the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge (PMC). This bike-a-thon crosses Massachusetts to raise money for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber. Since 2004, Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International has raised over $600,000 exclusively for the Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma research program at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and additional funds to other research institutions in the US and the world.

This year, 2024, “Team ASPS” will ride again for the 19th time! Please visit our Facebook page. Some of us will ride nearly 90 miles, and others over 160 miles. 100% of the money we raise supports efforts to find a cure for ASPS. Please let’s make sure that we do our best NOW to support these efforts.

We need your help to meet this fundraising goal. Please be a sponsor of “Team ASPS” and also ask your family and friends to support finding a cure for ASPS.

 There are two convenient ways to donate:

1. On-line donations through the PMC website. Click here to see the web page of Team ASPS in the PMC. You can select to donate to one of the members in our team. Click here to donate to “Yosef Landesman Team ASPS account“.

2. Alternatively you can write a check payable to “PMC-Team ASPS YL0002”. Mail your donations to:

Yosef Landesman
260 Tappan St
Brookline, MA 02445

Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International thanks you very much for your support!

Best Wishes,
Yosef Landesman Ph.D.

President and Cancer Research Director
Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International