Cancer-Associated Angiogenesis: The Endothelial Cell as a Checkpoint for Immunological Patrolling

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Cancer-Associated Angiogenesis: The Endothelial Cell as a Checkpoint for Immunological Patrolling

Post by D.ap »

Simple Summary: A clinical decision and study design investigating the level and extent of angiogenesis modulation aimed at vascular normalization without rendering tissues hypoxic is key and represents an unmet medical need. Specifically, determining the active concentration and optimal times of the administration of antiangiogenetic drugs is crucial to inhibit the growth of any microscopic residual tumor after surgical resection and in the pre-malignant and smolder neoplastic state. This review uncovers the pre-clinical translational insights crucial to overcome the caveats faced so far while employing anti-angiogenesis. This literature revision also explores how abnormalities in the tumor endothelium harm the crosstalk with an effective immune cell response, envisioning a novel combination with other anti-cancer drugs and immunomodulatory agents. These insights hold vast potential to both repress tumorigenesis and unleash an effective immune response.

Abstract: Cancer-associated neo vessels’ formation acts as a gatekeeper that orchestrates the entrance and egress of patrolling immune cells within the tumor milieu. This is achieved, in part, via the directed chemokines’ expression and cell adhesion molecules on the endothelial cell surface that attract and retain circulating leukocytes. The crosstalk between adaptive immune cells and the cancer endothelium is thus essential for tumor immune surveillance and the success of immune-based therapies that harness immune cells to kill tumor cells. This review will focus on the biology of the endothelium and will explore the vascular-specific molecular mediators that control the recruitment, retention, and trafficking of immune cells that are essential for effective antitumor immunity. The literature revision will also explore how abnormalities in the tumor endothelium impair crosstalk with adaptive immune cells and how targeting these abnormalities can improve the success of immune-based therapies for different malignancies, with a particular focus on the paradigmatic example represented by multiple myeloma. We also generated and provide two original bio-informatic analyses, in order to sketch the physiopathology underlying the endothelial–neoplastic interactions in an easier manner, feeding into a vicious cycle propagating disease progression and highlighting novel pathways that might be exploited therapeutically.

Keywords: tumor angiogenesis; endothelium; microenvironment; multiple myeloma; immunotherapy; anti-angiogenesis; adhesion molecules; immune-checkpoint inhibitor ... -03380.pdf
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