Willem from the Netherlands - DX 2013

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Bonni Hess
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Re: Willem from the Netherlands - DX 2013

Post by Bonni Hess »

Hello again Willem and thank you for your thoughtful response and additional shared information. Regarding your weight loss, have you considered using marijuana to help alleviate Cediranib caused nausea and stimulate and foster your appetite? It has been very successful for Brittany as well as bi monthly IV saline infusions to prevent severe vomiting caused by dehydration caused by the chronic Cediranib caused diarrhea. Also, you didn't mention if you are receiving all of the important monitoring scans that I asked you about. Additionally, if you haven't read about Ivan's recent shocking diagnosis of a couple of relatively large heart mets, it is important that you have a heart echocardiogram since we now know through Ivan's thoughtfully shared information, that heart mets apparently cannot be seen on a chest CT. Despite my and my family's 16 and a half years of ASPS experience, we continue to learn more things about this insidious disease, and shared anecdotal experience continues to be one of our strongest weapons in fighting it. With more special caring thoughts, healing wishes, warm friendship, and continued Hope, Bonni
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