Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by D.ap »


Wonderful news :D
We are all sharing in your joy !
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by MartinBube »

Thank you Debbie

this time before my scan I felt very stressed. Its been a year since my diagnosis and somehow I do feel better but as soon as the check up period comes I get the same feeling as one year ago.

definitely is a tough battle for fighting
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by MartinBube »

Hi everyone,

Today after one month waiting I got my results. I did chest CT, and Brain, Abdomen, Pelvic MRI.

I'm very confused about my results because my radiologyst told me that all is OK but on the CT report is written that I have 2 nodules that have been there since the beggining January 2015 same shape and size 4mm and 2.4mm.
I went to have 2 additional opinions regarding this and got the same response that there is nothing that should worry me as those nodules are definetly not mets.

The rest Brain, Abdomen and Pelvic is ok. The cysts in the liver are still same size and receive no colorization from the contrast.

I will go again tomorrow and try to find the radiologyst just to explain me what actually are the nodules that are in the report.
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by Olga »

Martin, thank you for an update. So they see the same size/shape 2 lung nodules since the first CT scan you have on file? Sometimes they are called undetermined lung nodules (you can search by it on the Pubmed) and usually there is nothing can be done to define them except observation (unless you are willing to undergo exploratory VATS procedure to remove one of them to analyze it but it does not make sense as at this size nothing can be done to them, to small to cryoablate).
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by MartinBube »

Hi Olga,

Yes exactly like that. It is defined as pseudo nodular lesion with same shape and size since the beggining. According to all I heard today it is not a met and malignant but still it makes me nervous.

I read all my previuos results and it is mentioned only in the first I did right after the surgery with description that fits for granuloma. As when I had the diagnosis I went also in Turkey and brought the CDs from the first scans, over there in their result is not mentioned at all as something out of the ordinary.

As I see it the size has not changed for year and a half I can only wait and see till the next scan.
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by MartinBube »

I talked with my radiologyst today and aked for more details. Basically my question was what actually are those nodules that no one paid attention in the past and why in some of the written reports are mentioned and in some not.
She said that they are visible in the first ct that I did and it is not something that poped up just now. And that their structure is not at all a met. Again she said that is nothing to worry about. She says if it was a met I would have know.

So honestly I do not know how wrong can they be in determining benign from malignat but I took the scan to 2 additional radiologyst just to have another eye observation. Both say there is nothing to worry. One of them probably is the best in the country so maybe they are right.

Anyhow need to be monitored in the future
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by ntran727 »


It sounds as if you did your homework in getting multiple radiologists to read the scan. At this point, it seems like nothing to worry about and either way it is too small for your to do anything about. All you can do is continue to monitor it. Did your doctors say when you will need a repeat scan?
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by MartinBube »

Well I do them every 4 months. Next should be beggining of October. I'm still on a 4 month schedule. i was advised to do this in the first 3 years.
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by MartinBube »

Hi everyone,

I had a small accident today, a dog bit me while riding my bike. It was very superficial but stil i went in the ER and they gave me tetanus the injection.

They told me as they have no reported case of rabies from the dog and from the small superficial wound that is a scrach basically I do not need a vacine.

As I heard the side effects of the vaccine can be severe and seeing my asps situation not sure if I should take the vaccine on my decision.

Do you guys have anyone with ASPS that had Rabies vaccine taken?

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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by jenhy168 »

I don't have any knowledge on this, but did you try asking your oncologist if there will be any complications?
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by MartinBube »

Thank you Jenhy

did not ask but honestly seeing the poor knowledge here on ASPS I'm not sure how much can they tell.

Anyhow I found the dog again, it is a street dog (stray) and here in Macedonia all of them have tags on the ear with a serial number.

I've taken the number to the official veterinary institution and said it is a healthy and vaccinated dog.

Just as precaution I'll be watching the dog for the next 10 days
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by D.ap »

That's great news! Finding the dog.
As I understand it , the vaccines are very hard on a person.
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by MartinBube »

Yes that is what they all told me.
Anyhow I talked with a woman that has a restaurant on the street and seems that they are feeding them for years. its a group of 3 that is always there
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by ntran727 »

Hi Martin,

Sorry you got bit by the dog. Just make sure that they gave you antibiotics to prevent infections and I don't think that you will need the Rabies vaccine now that you found the dog and they told you the dog was vaccinated. It is definitely good to monitor the dog for 10 days.
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Re: Martin from Macedonia - Dx Jan 2015

Post by MartinBube »

Hi everyone,

finally I got my written result today from my last scan 28th of September. One month later :)

I did full body CT as at the time of scheduling the scans the MRI that is the one I always go, basically the best in the country was out of order and my doctor proposed to do CT with contrast as I had avoided the contrast for more than I year due to the bad reaction I had.

This time took it much easier as they gave me some anti allergenic shot 30 min before I do it.

Basically all is the same as on previous scans:
- lung has this 2 nodules with same size as from the 1st scan one 2mm one 5mm ( this one described as pseudonodule)
- liver is same as previously
- pelvic the same

honestly I have mixed emotion on this, from one side very happy that all is the same, on the other side the nodules in the lungs worry me as there are many examples where people had nodules that doctors said are nothing to worry but came out to be mets later on.

till now 2 years have passed since I felt pain in my back and 1year and 9 months from surgery
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