Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

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Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Post by D.ap »


What incrediably wonderful news to hear todAY!
Sharing in your joy today and always

Debbie and family :lol:
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Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Post by MartinBube »

Great news guys, very happy for you
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Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Post by Vega343 »

Outstanding news! So thankful for clear scans!!!
Bonni Hess
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Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Post by Bonni Hess »

Dear Damian,
Thank you for sharing this VERY happy and encouraging news :lol: I Hope that dear Annika is feeling well with renewed strength and function in her arm, and able to enjoy her childhood activities and special time together with her friends. Happy and Healthy 11 years old :lol: to precious Annika, and very best wishes for continued good scans and much shared together happiness for her and all of your family.
Sharing the great relief and joy of dear Annika's VERY GOOD!! :lol: scan results with happy hugs and special High 5's, caring thoughts, healing wishes, much love, and continued Hope,
Bonni :P
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Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Post by Kat »

Thanks all for your posts,
Annika is very well and is happy at school and she is playing soccer and netball for the town teams. We went to the snow with Camp Quality recently, it is really helpful for the kids to play with others in the same boat, and good for us to talk to other Onco parents! Zak is about to turn 13 and has been to some Canteen camps, same idea with older kids.
Take care.

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Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Post by Kat »

Here we are at Perisher, Annika is front right, crazy girl!
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Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Post by Kat »

Hi all,
Sorry it's been so long, we've been incredibly busy. Annika's scans this month are clear and our onc says that we're boring and healthy. Annika continues to grow quickly and is happy and healthy. We had fun summer holidays and school has started again, Annika is in year 6, the last year before high school, she'll be 12 in July! Take care.

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Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Post by Olga »

Thank you for the update. How nice to be boring at the oncologist's visit! Annika is really growing fast, hoping for the more boring visits in the future.
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Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Post by ntran727 »

Thank you for sharing the great news! I was diagnosed with ASPS in May 2016. I read your posts and it seems that Annika has been cancer free since the removal of the mass in her arm and has not had any treatments thus far? That is great news and I am so happy for all of you. My husband and I are going to Australia 2/28-3/14 for our honeymoon and we will be stopping in Sydney for a few days! Can't wait =)
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Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Post by D.ap »

As I've said before ..
Boring is good :P
Love to you all!!
Debbie and family


Love to you , from the Asps families. From those Who maybe aren't available meantally right now or their love ones aren't here , physically.

As a result of their giving of their time and information in spite of bad news , but ralleying when good news presents itself we have come this far in understanding ASPS .

Operating since before 2000.

We need all information, good and bad to go forward .

When ever we are able.

Again love to you and joining in the happy dance, as Bonni would say . :P
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Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Post by Kat »

Thanks everyone, Ntran - yes Annika just had the two surgeries, and lots of scans.... Have fun in Sydney.
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