Ivan rocking it since 2003

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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by D.ap »

You think it was the anesthesia that made you nauseous ?
Wonder if you are developing an in tolerance to a specific kind
I guess too if they used more than usual that would do it too
Hope you are feeling better !
The BRATS diet is good too. If you are a caffeine person the chocolate was a good move
Take care and safe travels
Debbie and family
Bonni Hess
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by Bonni Hess »

Dear Ivan,
I Hope that his finds you feeling much better than you were, and having had a good and restful day. I suspect that your nausea and vomiting were a combined result of the larger dose of sedation medication and the intrusion of the Cryo probe into your abdominal area. I am grateful that post-op pain has not been a significant issue, and Hope that status will continue. Your mother posted a very informative update in the Adrenal Mets topic which is deeply appreciated. I Hope that you are both relaxing and de-stressing from all that you have been through emotionally and physically during this difficult past week. Take care, enjoy your chocolate :-), have a good night's sleep, and know that you are being held very close in many hearts and thoughts.
With gentle hugs, special caring thoughts, healing wishes, warm friendship, and continued Hope,
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by Ivan »

Feeling good today. It appears the cryo probes went through my right erector spinae (lower back) and psoas (hip flexor) muscles. They hurt like they've been sprained right now, but hopefully this will subside shortly. We walked around Detroit for about 2 hours, taking breaks in between. I felt very tired at the end, to be honest, but it's fine. I've been able to get a lot of work done on the computer as well.

Debbie, yes I think it's the anesthesia after effects. Especially when I get general, I can SMELL something revolting for about a day after and it makes me gag. Except in reality there is no actual smell there, it's just some weird side-effect.

Bonni, honestly I hardly feel anything anymore. When I first heard about my brain metastasis through an email, I was working alone. Yes, for about 30 minutes I felt fear because it was something new and unknown. It's entirely expected that something bad will come up, and soon. I also entirely expect some wonderful doctor somewhere in the world to be willing to take my hard earned money and fix that crap. It doesn't bother me, it's just part of the game. I've been playing it too long to be bothered. I just abide by the rules, and win.

I never feel nervous about the scan results - I remember I used to. Now, I understand that scans are merely knowledge catching up to reality, so I anticipate them more than anything. I don't feel nervous when I open a new scan before the results are out to see for myself - which at some point I did. In fact, I feel better telling my oncologist myself that I see a met that grew before she even gets the radiologists' report. It's empowering. I generally don't feel nervous when I'm told there's some new crap to deal with it. I don't feel nervous when I'm being wheeled off to the operating room, or the day before. It's boring, familiar, and EASY for me. At the end of the day, all these people are trying to, and helping me. I'm not a concentration camp victim left to die of hunger in the snow. It's really been pretty good so far.

The last painful surgery I had was 4 years ago - and it honestly wasn't even that bad. The worst for me was my first thoracotomy in 2005, and then the pneumothorax and second thoracotomy with nerve pain. That was almost a decade ago. The subsequent thoracotomies weren't as bad. The truth is, the standard of care they provide in Coswig is top notch, so it wasn't that difficult to overcome the surgeries. I remember a few years ago I would even feel nostalgic, like it's "time" to go back for another thoracotomy. It's funny :) I don't think I experience more stress in my life than an average person does.

It would be different if ASPS took something from me - like a leg - but that hasn't happened so far. I can make a full recovery from each of these things. Furthermore, I've gotten stronger, faster, and fitter over the last decade.
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by Bonni Hess »

You have a very unique and admirable attitude Ivan, and one which has probably really helped to contribute to your successful battle of your disease thus far. I am so grateful that you have been able to maintain your positivity and emotional strength which is so very important in this difficult battle, and Hope that it will continue.
You are foturnate to not have been debilitated by your treatments, and to not have suffered significant or chronic pain from your procedures which certainly helps to enable you to have a more positive attitude. You continue to be an inspiration to so many in our ASPS Community.
I Hope that you will soon regain your physical srtength and energy as you continue on the road to a speedy and complete recovery from your abdominal Cryo procedure. Enjoy your time catching up on computer work and exploring Detroit while you are there, and then travel safe on your Homeward bound flight when you have recovered enough to comfortably travel.
With gentle hugs, special caring thoughts, healing wishes, and continued Hope,
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by Amanda »

Hi Ivan..
I hate that smell after anesthesia! An the weird spaced out feeling!
When they put the IV in the flush is what gets to me the worst out of every thing an it is what usually makes me upset :(

I agree we do what we have to do an it sucks but it is now a way of life! I was telling people it feels like an inconvenience i have a child and its almost the holidays and i have to go thru this again!
But, it won't be as bad as it was the first time an thats all i need to know. Re do or not!

I focus on the day after surgeries now. What will we do walk or movie dog visit? I love the dogs that visit lol :) Anything other than the morning of the surgery. It is frightening yes but its how it is now sadly...
It is our choice to either say i give up an let it slowly grow or to kill what we can an then move ahead.

We were lucky to catch this at a time that was earlier i will be damned if i will take that for granted I have lost many i love to this and they sadly didn't catch this early! I hear my friend telling me to be thankful! She is still my hope and drives me to push...
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by Ivan »

Feeling fine, and will be boarding the flight here at DTW shortly.

Edit: now back home, no incidents what so ever.

Back to the gym tomorrow ;)
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by Josh »

Ivan wrote:It doesn't bother me, it's just part of the game. I've been playing it too long to be bothered. I just abide by the rules, and win.
Well put. I am glad you are doing well and homeward bound.
Bonni Hess
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by Bonni Hess »

Welcome Home Ivan :-) Be gentle on your body until it has had time to completely heal, relax, rest, and enjoy being back Home again with family and friends.
With special caring thoughts, healing wishes, and continued Hope,
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by Ivan »

First workout went better than planned. I feel much better today. Of course I didn't push it, but I was able to complete a regular session of easy cardio on the bike, as well as doing a bunch of pull ups without any additional weight. Yes it felt a bit harder than usual, but I think in a few days I could be almost back to normal.
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by D.ap »

Hello Ivan
So glad you aren't worshipping the great porcelain god
So you will be scanning your lower abdomen in 3 months?
Did you have any sweating or other symptoms with these mets or do you think they were still too small?
Will write more later
Glad to see you up and feeling so well!
Debbie :D
Ps. Do you think a physical exam could of detected them while feeling around the lower abdomen area ?
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by Ivan »

Yes, Dr. Littrup's follow up recommendation was an abdominal MRI in 1-3 months. My oncologist said "OK", just waiting on the date.

No physical exam could detect that. They are at the base of the lungs, below the ribs. Unless they got huge, they would probably remain asymptomatic for a while.
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by Ivan »

I am feeling much better now. The only thing I notice is that my appetite seems diminished. I don't know if this has anything to do with the adrenal gland, or more down to that puking episode the day of the surgery which seems to have had a negative impact on my stomach. No matter, I have resumed normal life.
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by Amanda »

yay for normal life again :)
“Many times it is much more important to know what kind of patient has the disease, than what kind of disease the patient has”.
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by Ivan »

I lost 3-4 pounds. My appetite is almost back to normal, so I will make sure to eat sufficiently. My strength is back to 90-95% of normal, and my cardio endurance is probably even closer to normal.
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Re: Ivan rocking it since 2003

Post by D.ap »

Slowly but surely back to 'normal' . Yeah !
We're you able to replenish your fluids suffiently after your vomiting episode ?
Some Gatorade works well. There is some lower sugar/calorie stuff out there as we are of the mind set that sugar is a food for all cancers. Here's to you and a wonderful cool weekend It was 103 degrees Fahrenheit here yesterday and predicted to be 99 today .

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