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Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:03 am
by Bonni Hess
Dear Damian,
It was so good to hear from you again and I am very happy and deeply grateful that precious Annika is doing well :-) Thank you for the shared update as well as the research information which is deeply appreciated. I will be very interested in following the promising OTS964 drug and Hope that it will prove to be a very effective systemic treatment for ASPS.
Congratulations on your Tough Mudder participation and admirable fund raising efforts and success for the Children's Foundation :-)
Please give dear Annika a special hug from me, take care, and keep in touch as you are able.
With special caring thoughts, healing wishes for Annika, and continued Hope,

Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:29 am
by Kat
Thanks for your thoughts and kind words.
This popped up 10 minutes ago:


Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 4:55 pm
by D.ap
Hi Kat and Damian and Annika

An article similar to what you found interesting back in July.
Suggesting a metabolic connection rather than just a general cells gone wild, rogue?

We are ecstatic that scans are looking well.

All our Love

Debbie and the Josh P family

Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 4:57 pm
by D.ap
Kat wrote:This was interesting; ... all%3Dtrue
Shutting down mets would be great.
Hormones and sugar appear to be the current things to be avoided??
Talk to your doctor of course.

the post July 28

Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:29 am
by Kat
Hello all,
We spent the weekend at Sydney Children's Hospital for a cancer parent's seminar, some interesting research being done at the kids cancer centre:
CBL0137 and mini cell therapy.
I also found this, interesting as ASPS expresses MEK: ... 111114.php



Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:09 pm
by Bonni Hess
Dear Damian,
It was so good to hear from you and I am so deeply grateful for your thoughtful shared information regarding the promising new Melanoma research because ASPS and Melanoma are closely biologically linked and ASPS is often included in Melanoma Clinical Trials. It will be very interesting to follow this research. You and your wife are to be commended for your active research and pro-active approach in being as knowledgeable as possible in fighting Annika's disease. Hopefully other ASPS Community members will more actively share their researched and anecdotal treatment infomation with the Board as this shared information is truly one of our strongest weapons in fighting this extremely rare and little known disease, and all information is helpful in helping to find new treatments and/or making difficult treatment decisions. I Hope that dear Annika is continuing to do well and enjoying a good school year. I Hope too that she, you, and your family will have a wonderful Holiday season and a very happy healthy New Year filled with greatest joy and brightest Hope.
With deepest gratitude for your thoughtful sharing, and with special caring thoughts, healing wishes for dear Annika, and continued Hope,

Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:06 pm
by Kat
Annika is doing well, there are only 4 weeks of school to go until the summer holidays! I have just joined the "Racing for life" team at the Kids Cancer Centre attached to SCH.
On the weekend I raised $3000 for the Starlight children's Foundation with my Tough Mudder run (2 hours 25 mins).
Here's a better link to CBL0137
The NfKB stuff is interesting as sarcomas seem to use this and it's not targeted much.
One of the speakers spoke about targeted therapies, she said that they were promising but probably wouldn't kill all cells. Later speakers said that they won't, but that's not how we use cancer drugs, we use combinations in traditional chemo and combine it with RT. It is interesting that some oncologists are a bit dismissive of new methods, you do need to "shop around".
I like that they are targeting new pathways as I think that a combination of targeted therapies either in parallel or serially is the way to go. Gleevec is an example of a very effective targeted therapy, I wonder if anyone has tried to directly target the TFE3 aberrant protein?


Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:17 pm
by D.ap
Kat wrote:Annika is doing well, there are only 4 weeks of school to go until the summer holidays! I have just joined the "Racing for life" team at the Kids Cancer Centre attached to SCH.
On the weekend I raised $3000 for the Starlight children's Foundation with my Tough Mudder run (2 hours 25 mins).
Here's a better link to CBL0137
The NfKB stuff is interesting as sarcomas seem to use this and it's not targeted much.
One of the speakers spoke about targeted therapies, she said that they were promising but probably wouldn't kill all cells. Later speakers said that they won't, but that's not how we use cancer drugs, we use combinations in traditional chemo and combine it with RT. It is interesting that some oncologists are a bit dismissive of new methods, you do need toI like that they are targeting new pathways as I think that a combination of targeted therapies either in parallel or serially is the way to go. Gleevec is an example of a very effective targeted therapy, I wonder if anyone has tried to directly target the TFE3 aberrant protein? "shop around".

Hi Damian,

Congratulations on your Tough mudder Run. As a co-ed softball catcher/ third baseperson for 30 years I applaud you for your running etc efforts. My leg muscles at 5'4'" aren't conducive to much more than up and down and a hell of an arm to throwing and hitting :D

Maybe you can enlighten us?

Beginning with

Thanks in advance
Please say "hey" to Kat and Annika

Ps I assume there has been an MRI of Annikas arm? :roll:

Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:54 pm
by Kat
Hello everyone,
Just a quick update, Annika scared the life out of us this week finding a lump (I hate that word!) on her jaw. We contacted her oncologist and saw our local doctors and she had an ultrasound to both sides of her face. The swelling is a lymph node and is not suspicious, other nodes are slightly swollen and she had a sore throat on Monday, so no medical people are concerned. We were freaking out though! It should go down over the next week they say. Now we are trying to have a fun weekend instead of a trip to children's hospital.

Take care

Damian :?

Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:30 pm
by D.ap
Hi Damian , Kat and Annika

I am so sorry that the week brought such additional stress
What kind of ultrasound machine were you able to have Annika's lymph glands looked at?
How was her blood work ?
It sure does sound like a virus
I hope she feels better soon
We've had viruses being passed around our family here in the Midwest part of the US.
Ear and throat soreness running nose
About a 5-10 day happening. Depending on our age :roll:
Ps Damian. Thanks for your fund raising efforts
My daughter in law and I were talking just today about the fundraising and foundations
Without both of your efforts a lot of the awareness and consequently the research would not be where they are today.
Thank you

Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 3:12 am
by Kat
not sure what the machine was, the girls went for that.
they didnt take blood.
lots of people have had a sore throat, so it is prob that.
we scared the local medical people into unaccustomed speed!

:ha ha ha:

The fundraising is good for me too, gives me a goal that I can directly target. this yeas I will support racing for life.


Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:18 pm
by Kat
Hi everyone,
Welcome new members and hello old friends. Annika and I went to Sydney Childrens Hospital at the end of January. She had a chest x-ray and an MRI on her arm and her head. These are all clear! :D
She was very good, she had to stay still in the MRI for nearly two hours. The x-ray was amusing, they were about to close and they didn't remove Annika's singlet which no-one noticed had sparkles on it. They showed up on the image as a chain of metal links like she'd been eating metal! Needless to say the removed the singlet and re-did the x-ray. Yet another scan.... oh well.
We will be going back to Syd in July for a chest CT and an MRI of Annika's arm.

The head MRI I had to PUSH for as they saw no need to scan her brain unless she had neuro symptoms! I really, really didn't want to wait for that, and I wanted to check the "lymph node" swelling on her jaw really was just that. Thankfully it is just a node and it has shrunk to nearly being impossible to find with manual palpitation.

I wanted an effective scan as the PET scan they did originally didn't even show her primary! He doesn't know it yet, but I want to do a CT of both her lungs and abdomen at some point. I'll really have to work for that I think! :wink:

Our Onc said that we should review the scan schedule in July, I suspect he'd like to reduce scan frequency to yearly, I am not comfortable with this! What do you think?

Annika is very well, her arm has full range of motion and 90% triceps strength now, she's also growing like a weed!

We have all switched to a no-added-sugar diet, no processed food, no white flour/rice/potatoes. The idea being that the blood sugar doesn't spike and feed any circulating tumour cells. We eat stacks of vegetables and only two fruits a day. We also eat vegetarian 4 days a week.

We have put Annika on a mushroom supplement called AHCC, if you google it, ignore all the very excitable stuff, there are some preliminary studies that show increased natural killer (NK) cells and dendritic cells on AHCC. While researching ASPS xenografts, I found that they can't grow them in normal noskid mice (no imune system), they need special ones with no NK cells either. This combined with how ASPS seems to accelerate if mylosuppresive chemo is used lead me to wonder if there is a low-level NK response to ASPS. So I hope that by increasing the population of immune cells there is more chance of them damaging any stray ASPS cells, and maybe generating a more effective immune response if they are found. That's my theory anyway. :wink:

Take care.


Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:11 pm
by D.ap
Hello Damian, Kat and Annika

Such great scan clearance of no tumors to dance about..

I have forwarded your post to Josh, our son, as you know he is battling the ASPS since 2012 at 34 and 1/2 years of age currently. He says no refined sugar..?

His daughter will be 7 years old this year. :)

Stead fast and do diligence are the name of the game. It , ASPS, is slow but never seems to become cured or eliminated from ones body at any age or at the very least should we let our guard down.

You as parents are doing a great job!

All Our love


Ps Josh is seeing an awesome ND doctor here in the states they are far and few between world wide it seems
PSS please look at and digest Olga's post ... er-spread/

"Resistant to cooking

Scientists at Liverpool had previously shown that peanut agglutinin (PNA) is resistant to cooking and digestion, with up to 50% of PNA discharged from the body in those people that ingest raw or roasted peanuts. It enters the bloodstream rapidly as an intact and active form after peanut consumption."

Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:35 pm
by D.ap
Kat wrote:Hi everyone,
Welcome new members and hello old friends. Annika and I went to Sydney Childrens Hospital at the end of January. She had a chest x-ray and an MRI on her arm and her head. These are all clear! :D
She was very good, she had to stay still in the MRI for nearly two hours. The x-ray was amusing, they were about to close and they didn't remove Annika's singlet which no-one noticed had sparkles on it. They showed up on the image as a chain of metal links like she'd been eating metal! Needless to say the removed the singlet and re-did the x-ray. Yet another scan.... oh well.
We will be going back to Syd in July for a chest CT and an MRI of Annika's arm.

The head MRI I had to PUSH for as they saw no need to scan her brain unless she had neuro symptoms! I really, really didn't want to wait for that, and I wanted to check the "lymph node" swelling on her jaw really was just that. Thankfully it is just a node and it has shrunk to nearly being impossible to find with manual palpitation.

I wanted an effective scan as the PET scan they did originally didn't even show her primary! He doesn't know it yet, but I want to do a CT of both her lungs and abdomen at some point. I'll really have to work for that I think! :wink:

Our Onc said that we should review the scan schedule in July, I suspect he'd like to reduce scan frequency to yearly, I am not comfortable with this! What do you think?

Annika is very well, her arm has full range of motion and 90% triceps strength now, she's also growing like a weed!

We have all switched to a no-added-sugar diet, no processed food, no white flour/rice/potatoes. The idea being that the blood sugar doesn't spike and feed any circulating tumour cells. We eat stacks of vegetables and only two fruits a day. We also eat vegetarian 4 days a week.

A subquote
We have put Annika on a mushroom supplement called AHCC, if you google it, ignore all the very excitable stuff, there are some preliminary studies that show increased natural killer (NK) cells and dendritic cells on AHCC. While researching ASPS xenografts, I found that they can't grow them in normal noskid mice (no imune system), they need special ones with no NK cells either. This combined with how ASPS seems to accelerate if mylosuppresive chemo is used lead me to wonder if there is a low-level NK response to ASPS. So I hope that by increasing the population of immune cells there is more chance of them damaging any stray ASPS cells, and maybe generating a more effective immune response if they are found. That's my theory anyway. :wink:

Take care.

Damian also states-

I wanted an effective scan as the PET scan they did originally didn't even show her primary! He doesn't know it yet, but I want to do a CT of both her lungs and abdomen at some point. I'll really have to work for that I think! :wink:

Damian and Kat

The primary
was 4.5 cm and the PET didn't show it?
Was there a compound that gave a lower resulation or what the heck? Says a mom and parent :roll:

the link
to Annikas primary size ... =822#p5340


Re: Kat's daughter from Australia - Dx Jul 2013 at 7 yrs old

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:10 pm
by Kat
Yeah it didn't really show it, you could sort of see it because you knew where it was, but it wasn't "lit up" at all. Kind of scary if you think about it, oncs want to use PET to look for tiny mets!