Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by wangcns »

Hey Crystal, I'm so sorry to hear about little Brinley, but I'm glad you found your way to this site. Best wishes for her, as well as for you and your family on this journey. But don't worry, we're right here with ya! We're all fighting this disease on our individual fronts, but if there's anything we can help with, just let us know. My husband was diagnosed earlier this year and we have just returned from Germany from a medical procedure as part of our fight to get ahead of this cancer.

If you're still looking for additional resources for second opinions regarding this cancer, I wanted to include the information for our oncologist at UCLA Medical Center, Dr. Noah Federman. Kevin is a bit older than most of his patients (my 30-year old man-child husband :wink: ), as he is actually a pediatric oncologist and deals primarily with cancer in young children. He has had several ASPS patients and seems to be up to date on his ASPS research. We found the advice he's given us is very much in line with research we've done on our own and through these forums.

Here's a link to his contact information: ... &ref=36447

Again, best wishes and lots of love.

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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by babbittgirl »

Thanks so much for your response. I am so sorry too for your husbands dx :(
I looked at the link- and he seems like an amazing doctor. My pediatrician has already sent pathology, scan, and Brinley's file to Dr.Dubois in San Fransisco. He has called us back and unfortunatly has not seen any one close to her age. He believes that Dr. Hawkins is is better suited for her care in Seattle. We respect his opinion and did like Dr.Hawkins but were just frightened that he did not seem interested in doing any more preliminary scans to make sure there are no more tumors lurking...and that frightened us. Dr.Dubois is presenting Brinley's case to the Sarcoma board this Thursday to get their opinion on further scans at this time. It is scarey to them and us about giving hr too much radiation with the scans as young as she is- but we also need to balance piece of mind.
We will keep you all posted! Thanks for everyones help!!! :)

Crystal, Brinley and family
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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by Olga »

Crystal, MSK and MDACC see most of the rare sarcoma cases, ask your doc. to consult them re. any possible experience with the ASPS in a very young children, if they have seen any. About the precautions re. excess radiation dose - there are good quality reduced dose scanners in some of the high end kids hospitals, end besides some of the scans are not X-Rays based, try to get MRI instead of CT if possible - it can not be used on the moving lungs but is good for the abdomen and brain.
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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by babbittgirl »

Thanks Olga! I so appreciateyour help!
We heard back from Dr.Dubois at UCSF...what an amazing man. He was so honest in telling us that he believes Dr.Hawkins is every bit as skilled if not more so than he. As Dr.Hawkins hasis seen childrenu closer toin Brinley's age, and I believe Dr.Dubois said his youngest patient with ASPS was 14. He had the Sarcoma board review her pathology slides, CT, Ultrasound and surgical notes today and called me soon after. He says they agree with almost everything that Dr. Hawkins had noted, but they are slightly worried that the tumor removed may not have been the primary tumor due to the location (stomach, not an extremity). They have recommened to Dr.Hawkins that we come back to Seattle and have either a full body MRI or they believe better yet a full body PET scan. We are still nervous about our journey with ASPS but are happy to be moving forward. Yay progress!
Crystal, Brinley and family
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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by babbittgirl »

Hello again!
It has been awhile since I have been on the site.
We had another visit to Seattle Children's Hospital at the end of October. They put Brinley under and did MRI's of her head and trunk. Great news was that there are no new tumors in her brain, heart or lungs! So happy about this news!
We were under the impression after speaking with her doctor in August that when they did these MRI's they were going to try to take in the majority of her arms and legs in the scan ( since she is only 2 and is so small ) but when we met with the doctor that afternoon after she was awake and the scans finished he acted like he had no idea what we were talking about....grrrr.... Frustrating!
I wish things would go as promised, I understand that what they did was normal for these scans but the whole point was to get areas that we had not seen yet- our second opinion had also contacted Seattle to say they thought it important to cover all the bases. Well, I guess this Thanksgiving we just need to be thankful for the good news we did receive and keep pushing forward in the future to make sure we get the additional scans of her legs and arms to rule out any other tumors.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hold tight to hope.
Crystal, Brinley, and family
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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by Olga »

Thanks for the update! It is very good to hear that nothing else was found. You might be interested to know that from the communication with the other Seattle area patient we recently found that there is a new oncologist at the SCCA, Dr. Robin Jones. He moved from London, UK where he worked with Pf.Judson who is one of the biggest experts on ASPS.
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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by Bonni Hess »

Dear Crystal,
Thank you for your very thoughtful update with the VERY GOOD!! and WONDERFUL!! news that precious little Brinley's October scans showed no new tumors :-). All of us Hesses are sharing your great relief and joy and are sending VERY happy smiles and hugs your way :-).
I understand and share your frustration about the doctor (was it Dr. Hawkins?) having not also ordered scans of Brinley's extremities. Have any scans of her legs and arms ever been done since the original diagnosis of her tumor in her abdomen? If not, I think that it is very important that these scans be done sometime soon to rule out the possibility that the primary tumor may actually be in her leg or arm, rather than the one in her abdomen since most ASPS primary tumors are typically, although not always, located in the extremities. Of course we know that nothing about dear Brinley's ASPS is typical with her being SO much younger than most ASPS patients, so Hopefully the primary tumor was the one in her abdomen and because it was found and resected at such a small size, it will not metastasize to any other areas.
As Olga said, Dr. Robin Jones is an excellent new Sarcoma oncologist at SCCA in Seattle who is currently treating both Brittany and Jordanne. I don't know if Dr. Jones would be able to care for Brinley as a patient since she is under 18 and may be required to be treated by a pediatric oncologist, but it might be worth exploring since our friends' three year old granddaughter is being treated at SCCA for her leukemia as well as by Dr. Chappie Conrad who is an orthopedic oncology surgeon and Sarcoma specialist at Children's Orthopedic Hospital and SCCA.
I am sorry that we missed seeing Brinley and your family when you were in Seattle for the scans, but we look forward to Hopefully being able to get together with you during your next visit. In the meantime, I Hope that you have a most beautiful, joyful, and abundantly blessed Holiday season shared together with your beautiful family, and a very happy and healthy beginning to the New Year bright with Hope.
Sharing precious Brinley's VERY GOOD!! scan results with greatest happiness, and crossing the miles to embrace you with BIG hugs, special caring, warm friendship, and continued Hope,
Bonni :-)
Bonni :-)
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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by babbittgirl »

Thank you Olga and Bonni for your responses to my post in November. I had not visited the site since placing my post. Happy and healthy new year to everyone! May 2013 bring good things for the ASPS community! Thank you both for the info on the new Doc in Seattle as well. They promise me they will scan her arms and legs as well as her regular head and chest MRI's on our next scheduled visit to Seattle in April. Our pediatrician here in Missoula says she too will double check to make sure the orders are correct and in place before we go.
Best wishes everyone!
Crystal and Brinley and family!
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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by babbittgirl »

Well we are getting ready for our trip to Seattle Children's Hospital next week for Brinley's next set of MRI's. We are very happy to say that they have FINALLY agreed to scan her extremities as well as her lungs, brain And belly! It has been such a battle to get them to agree to do her arms and legs and we have become increasingly worried as over the past 2 months Brinley has had numerous breakdowns where she cries and says her right leg hurts. We pray that it is growing pains or Charlie horses and not another tumor :( We will try to give an update soon after we receive our results.
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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by Olga »

It is understandable that when the smaller kids are concern they are trying to not scan them to much, to reduce the overall radiation exposure. But with the MRI there is no danger. Good luck with the scans.
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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by Bonni Hess »

Dear Crystal,
Thank you for your thoughtful update. I am so grateful that Dr. Hawkins finally agreed to do complete scans which is so very important to do in managing and fighting this disease to ensure that there are no mets and so that you have a good baseline of information. My very best wishes will be with precious Brinley and all of your dear family for very good scan results that rule out the presence of any tumors. I am so sorry that dear Brinley has been experiencing leg pain, but it certainly could just be from a benign cause unrelated to ASPS, and I am holding VERY tight to Hope that is the case. We are now back in Washington from Montana and would love to get together with all of you while you are in Seattle if your time and schedule during your visit next week allow. Just let me know if that would work out for you and we can schedule a time and place. In the meantime, please give precious Brinley a special hug from all of us Hesses, travel safe, and know that our most caring thoughts and best wishes travel with you.
With warm hugs, caring thoughts, special friendship, and continued Hope,
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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by D.ap »

Dear Chrystal and family

My name is Debbie and my son is Joshua . His story is in the personals . His dx was in September 2012 and he was 32 at that time.

I've been following Brinley's story and was hoping that everything is going well with you and yours
Write when you can.

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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by babbittgirl »

Thank you Debbie for checking on us....I am afraid I have been very bad at checking in. Brinley had her last set of scans in October~ they were all clear and we were "over the moon" with excitement! We are to schedule in Seattle again in April and hope to once again celebrate. She has us a bit worried with some pain issues near her knee. We pray it growing pains as she is getting so tall! Her doctor does not seem concerned- we pray he's right! I will look at Joshua's link to make myself familiar with his story once more. All the best to you and yours,

Crystal and Brinley
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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by D.ap »

Crystal and Brinley

So incredible happy to hear of the scan news !
Looking forward to the great news in April!
Josh should be posting then as well with his chest scans

Much love
Debbie and family

Ps are the doctors able to perform a MRI with pretty small definition ?
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Re: Brinley from Montana - Dx June 2012 at age 2

Post by babbittgirl »

This is still such a learning process for us....unfortunately our pediatric oncologist and I don't EVER seem to be on the same page. :( I fought like crazy to get him to do a full body scan on her last April. He very much thought I was being fanatical and asked, "where will we draw the line?" Brinley had never had a full scan done, she had only had scans of her abdominal, lungs and one brain scan at that point in time. He wants to only MRI her abdominal (without contrast) and x-ray her lungs every 6 months on our visits to Seattle Childrens. I feel that his thinking is that we found her tumor in such an early stage and since our surgeon had the foresight even before knowing the diagnosis to take all the margins that we are going to be fine! One of our fist visits with a doctor after Brinley's surgery we were told:" it's not if - but when that we will find a new tumor. We were told it could be our next scan that is positive for new growth or one 15 years from now. I don't ever want to be that parent that is burying my daughter because I did not do my part to keep her as healthy and stay on top of finding any tumor reaccurance should there be another. So your question is the MRI good enough for resolution of small definition? I hope and pray so. I am taking my doctors lead and trying not to anger him by questioning his judgement repeatedly. I am always greatly appreciative of any/ all info that is passed our direction. I know that we need to take to heart that since she will need scans for life they do want to minimize her radiation, but are we doing enough to keep healthy? Any insight you or others have is greatly appreciated especially since we are headed over again next month. Thank you again for your words and care for our Brinley. Wishing you and Joshua all our best.
Crystal, Brinley and family
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