Contact Information, Mission Statement, and Board Members

Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International
260 Tappan St.
Brookline MA 02445


Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International aims to bring together Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma (ASPS) patients, their families and friends who have a shared interest in finding a cure for ASPS. We are actively looking for institutions and laboratories that are engaged in research aimed at finding a cure for ASPS. We support them with funding, as well as shipments of fresh or frozen ASPS tumors from patients who donate their tumors for research. Our website serves as a platform that provides updated information about the research and therapies for ASPS patients, and their medical caregivers. Using this knowledge, patients can make better decisions regarding their ASPS treatments. By using our forum, members can share their experiences and get information and group support from the ASPS community all over the world. The information network, thus generated through patients’ communication, helps to collect valuable information about this very rare disease. It is a key to the success in finding the best available treatments, and ultimately – a cure! Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International was born in June 2006.


President and Cancer Research Director
Yosef Landesman, PhD (MA USA)

Treasurer and Legal Affairs Director
Bonni Hess (WA USA)

Clinical Therapy and Information Resource Director
Olga Tkatcheva, BSc (BC Canada)

Medical Affairs Director
Nancy Karen Landfish, MD (FL USA)

Advisors to the Board

Government Policy Advisor
Bruce Altevogt, PhD (WA DC USA)

Coordinator of European Contacts and Medical Imaging Advisor
Sophie Zawadynski, MD (Geneva Switzerland)